- 01. Landscape Design Report (12MB) (PDF)
- 02. Tree Survey Report (3MB) (PDF)
- 03. Daylight, Sunlight & Overshadowing Assessment (3MB) (PDF)
- 04. DMURS Compliance Note (90K) (PDF)
- 05. Outline Mobility Management Plan (1MB) (PDF)
- 06. Quality Audit (3MB) (PDF)
- 07. Traffic and Transport Assessment (2MB) (PDF)
- 08. lighting report (2MB) (PDF)
- 09. CEMP (2MB) (PDF)
- 10. AA Screening (8MB) (PDF)
- 11. EcIA (13MB) (PDF)
- 12. EIA Screening Report (2MB) (PDF)
- 13. Section 299B Report (644K) (PDF)
- 14. Noise Impact Assessment (1MB) (PDF)
Total number of files: 14